Paul Wesley Balkan - Portal Untitled-3
Dobrodošli na forum o popularnoj zvezdi uspešne serije "The Vampire Diaries" - Paulu Wesleyu. Forum je prvenstveno o njemu, ali i o seriji. Na forumu možete pronaći razne sadržaje: novosti, veliku foto kao i video galeriju, razne diskusije kao i sve o Paulu. Pružamo vam mogućnost besplatnog skidanja serije i kratkih opisa svih epizoda. Pridružite se još danas našoj zajednici i postanite deo Paul Wesley Balkana. Team foruma
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Paul Wesley Balkan - Portal Untitled-22
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Januar 5, 2012
A REASON TO FEEL GUILTY - Stefan has hidden the coffins containing the bodies of Klaus' family, and Klaus quickly turns to violence to convince Damon and Elena that no one will be safe until he finds Stefan and gets his family back. Tyler continues to make the most of his new abilities as a hybrid, but he has to face the disturbing consequences of his actions as well. After a terrifying incident, Elena and Alaric grow increasingly concerned about Jeremy's attitude and, ultimately, his safety. Alaric meets the beautiful Dr. Fell, who is intrigued with his amazing ability to heal. While trying to strike a deal with Klaus, Elena delivers news that truly shocks him.
Pobednici meseca
Najbolja Paulova slika
Paul Wesley Balkan - Portal Untitled-21
Najbolja Stefanova slika
Paul Wesley Balkan - Portal Untitled-4
Lik meseca je Caroline.
Global Roots
Paul Wesley Balkan - Portal Globalroots
"Veoma sam ponosan što sam deo ovog programa i nadam se da će što više ljudi isto to učiniti." rekao je Paul.
Dajte im šansu za normalan život. To je misija Global Roots-a. Global Roots je dobrotvorna organizacija koja je usmerena ka pružanju humanitarne pomoći deci u siromašnim oblastima našeg sveta. Da biste saznali više o toj organizaciji posetite Paul & Torrey's Corner at Global
Aktuelni projekti
Paul Wesley Balkan - Portal Projectstvd
Vampire Diaries
Stefan Salvatore
Status: Četvrtkom na CW-u
Paul Wesley Balkan - Portal Projectsbaytowndisco
The Baytown Disco
Status: Produkcija
Paul Wesley Balkan - Portal 100x40 Paul Wesley Balkan - Portal 21soy